• Clearing the air

    Clearing the air

    New data-driven technology is enabling cooking methods on the continent to become cleaner.

    Africa Business Communities reports that the Smart Cooking Valve has been launched in Rwanda and the DRC, with plans to reach more than 10 million households by 2028, affecting more than 50 million people, and saving more than 60 million trees each year.

    The brainchild of data-driven super platform Bboxx, the technology is aimed at low-income households and provides an accessible, efficient and affordable alternative to harmful biomass fuels such as charcoal.

    The technology features a digitally connected, gas-locking valve attached to a liquid petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder which is remotely controlled based on customers’ mobile money payments.

    Not only does the pay-as-you-cook model reduce upfront costs, it is also expected to reduce the average daily costs of energy by 10% and will cut CO2 emissions by an annual average of two tons per household.

    29 August 2023
    Image: Unsplash